Sunday, October 31, 2010

Homemade Drain Cleaner

The drain is clogged and none of the kids will fess up. You have no idea what is down there but it is still down there. Here's what you do:
Pour 1 Cup Baking Soda down into the drain
Next pour 2.5 Cups Hot Vinegar down the drain
Repeat if necessary. You can also try following this with pouring hot water down the drain as well to clear out any remaining clog.
Bonus: Use the baking soda/vinegar reaction as a science experiment with the kiddos! It is always a crowd pleaser!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Homemade Non-Stick Cooking Spray

Homemade non-stick cooking spray:
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil Poured into a 1 Cup or larger measuring cup (Can also use canola oil but I like to use Olive Oil)
Fill the rest of the 1 Cup measuring cup with water (So 1 cup of water minus 3 Tablespoons)
This should make 1 Cup of spray. Pour mixture in a spray bottle and use like regular non-stick spray. Be super frugal and pick up a spray bottle at the dollar store! Mix Well Before Each Use!

Dryer Balls and Fabric Softener Alternative!

Has anyone else tried these? I stopped using fabric softener a long time ago. I can't use it on the cloth diapers and it coats your clothes and towels making them less absorbant. Instead of fabric softener I throw in a 1/2 cup of vinegar which has worked wonders and saves lots of $$$. The vinegar gets rid of the smells in the cloth diapers like nothing else will! Put the vinegar in a downy ball and it will release it at the right time. Plus you can put in lavendar or teatree oils or whatever you prefer for a nice smell. I have even heard of people putting a drop of their favorite oil on a washcloth and throwing it in the drier for a nice smell as well. I would try just one drop first, you don't want to over power the clothes!!
The other day while walking around the local dollar store I saw a new product they carried...Dryer Balls! I had seen them on tv and at Fred Meyers but was never willing to pay the price for them. However, I was willing to try them for $1. I am so glad I did!! My towels are so light and fluffy again and I'm not sure if this is true for everyone, but my clothes seem to dry faster as well! Double win! I have heard that tennis balls work just as well. So check out your local dollar store and see if you can find them. I usually find a lot of name brand items there at a significant discount!

Homemade Carpet Stain Cleaner!

We've all been there. White carpet is a stain magnet for kids, it just is. Here are a few ideas to help rid your carpet of those stains!
Mix 1 Cup White Vinegar and 1 Cup warm water in a spray bottle.
Spray directly on the stain and let sit for a few minutes. Clean up with warm soapy water and a sponge.
Make a paste out of:
1/2 Cup Vinegar
1/2 Cup Salt
1/2 Cup Borax
Rub paste into stain and let sit for a few hours. Vacuum up.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Make your own Window Cleaner!

I think you will be surprised just how easy this is! And just as effective as the store bought versions!
3 Tablespoons Vinegar
1/2 Tablespoon Dish Detergent
2 Cups Water
Mix together in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Simple!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Make your own Oxi spray stain treatment!

I love Oxi-Clean. I love it because I have 3 kiddos and because it WORKS! Now that we are living off of one income I have had to cut costs even more then normal. So when I finally realized that even wih sales and coupons Oxi-Clean was sill not fitting in my budge, I set out to make my own. This recipe is very simple and like most things I reccomend trying it out on a sample piece of fabric first, and do not leave it on to long to avoid light spots.
1 Cup Peroxide
1 Tablespoon washing soda
Mix well in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use.
Yep, that's it! Simple and effective! Life doesn't get much better then that! Now you can keep your clothes stain free at a fraction of the cost!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Canned Blackberry Jam

Canning is more then a hobby for me. I love it! There is just an amazing feeling I get everytime I open my pantry and see dozens of canned jars staring back at me filled to the brim with yummy foods for my family that I prepared. So, I thought what better way to get everyone else excited about canning then to share some of my recipes that I have gathered over the years. If you have any you would like to share please do! I love new recipes!

Blackberry Jam
3 quarts blackberries
6 Cups Sugar
4 glass Pint size canning jars with rings and new lids

In a large saucepan heat the blackberries until the juice comes out. Slowly add the sugar, mixing well. Bring to a boil, uncovered, for about 20 minutes or so mixing often.
Pour the mixture into the sterilized pint jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
Wipe the edge clean, cap and seal.
Process in a boiling water bath canner for 15 minutes, or adjust time for altitude if necessary.

Mix it up! Not enough blackberries? Try adding different types of berries for your own unique flavor! Just remember how much of which berry so you can reproduce it later when you realize how yummy it is!

Soooooo.....I'm back!

I know, I know. It has been a couple of months but I have been crazy busy. Between canning and traveling to my sister in laws wedding, packing to move and everything else....I guess I put the blog last on my list of priorities...
But, I am back now with lots of ideas to keep us busy! If there is anything specific anyone is interested in reading about on here just let me know. If its a recipe, a craft, a product review, or anything else just leave a comment or e-mail me at